
Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Faux Fashionista

Let's be clear. I am not a fashionista. I like clothes that look good. I have favourites and fake it. I do not follow trends or really care about them. Jeanne Beker I am not.

But I found a new trend in T-shirt fashion, straight from Paris. At first I thought "sounds cute". And I do like T-shirts. And if they are from Paris, then surely they would be pretty cool.

What this company has done is put a paper doll-like doll on the front of the Tee. Remeber those paper dolls you got to dress as a kid? Yeah, those...So you can dress the little doll and wear the shirt. Oh, and your little girl can too. Yep, now your sweet little mini-me fashionista can dress the doll and herself. (Good luck ever getting to school on time!)

Truly, check it out at  I think their intention is good and the doll's undergarments are age appropriate as is the clothing (good job for recognizing little girls aren't just miniture women!)

The T-shirt is $75 for women and $50 for children. The dresses for the dolls are $15- 45, but are mini designer deals with crystal bling coming soon. So the doll is better dressed than you after $100!

I know what you're thinking: "You are just miffed that you can't spend (read: justify) $75 for a T-shirt." Ok, maybe a little. But here's how I see it:

For my investment I get to relive playing with paper dolls. Let me remember...their arms, legs or the stupid clothing tabs all ripped off. Perfect! Another toy that doesn't work right and makes me upset (insert full on tantrum here)! Clearly an early indicator that fashion wouldn't be my thing.

Plus, I get to dress me (which some days is a miracle itself) and now I'm responsible for dressing a doll on my chest that is far more high maintenance than me with her froo froo designer clothes and bling. Even the doll would think its superior...Fabulous! Added bonus is I drop in rank behind my family AND the inanimate doll on my T-shirt. Don't even get me started on the laundry--those little designer numbers aren't wash and wear and spaghetti sauce stains!

Interactive shirt. Ok, this part is what seemed cute at first. I mean really, what could go wrong with that? But, isn't all clothing interactive? Put it on, take it off; interactive.

Or I put it on and my husband takes it off. So he can undress the doll now, too. Nothing wrong there, until the doll becomes the perfect doll because she never complains about his dirty socks on the floor and hair in the bathroom sink.  Home-wrecking, high maintenance doll! Before long she will be answering for me, making excuses for my behaviour in public. Wait....maybe I could blame her for things...yeah, that might work: "The doll made me do it."

And truly, aren't all women looking for another reason to have someone pulling on their clothes--you know your daughter will want to fix your doll's look all the time! Yup, I think they've nailed it! 

I can save myself $100, though. I'm going to duct tape a dollar store pixie doll to my Tee. Just sayin'! It's kind of the same, no?

If you think I just don't get it, go back to the beginning.

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