
Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Where There's Smoke, There Are No Mosquitos

Made our traditional maiden camping voyage for the 2011 season.

Traditionally it snows on us on May long weekend. It's just part of the charm of camping at this time of year. This year was different, though. Nope. No snow. Just rain and wind. Then it got to the mid 20s (celsius for any US readers). It was beautiful on Saturday and even Sunday was warm inspite of the cloud cover.

There were only two problems this weekend. Mosquitos. Pesky, buzzing blood suckers who turned the kids faces and necks into connect the dot maps. Hated to do it, but had no choice--went for the full on bug spray with heavy DEET concentration--yup. I broke out the Deep Woods Off.

Before you chastise me for putting that stuff on my kids, I tried the lower level kids stuff. It didn't work. These were not regular mosquitos. They were the killer bees of mosquitos. They swarmed the truck when we pulled up. Then they swarmed us. I'm not kidding. You didn't dare open your mouth because they would choke you in a second. It was seriously worse than Manitoba in mid July.

Really, I hold the province of Alberta responsible. They instituted a fireban, so we couldn't even get a smoldering fire going to smoke the mosquitos out. You are supposed to come home from camping stinking like a campfire mixed with bug spray. Honestly, its hot! Truly, camping without a camp fire is like smoking without a cigarette--its just not the same. I'm guessing here--I don't smoke!

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